Development Environment

Development of the software systems for our final projects should be performed on the Jetstream VMs. The containers built and run on individual user VMs will be ephemeral - only lasting long enough to test and debug new features. They should never be seen by end users. After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Set up the files and folders necessary to work on the final project

  • Describe each component and why they are important to the overall system

  • Describe the general development cycle from a new idea all the way to production

  • Write targets for the major steps into a Makefile

File Organization

Our final software systems should have three main components:

  1. A Flask API front end for accessing data and jobs functionality

  2. A Redis database for storing job and queue information

  3. A Worker back end which runs the analysis job

An example file organization scheme for developing this API may look like:

├── data
│   └── dump.rdb
├── docker
│   ├── Dockerfile.api
│   └── Dockerfile.wrk
├── Makefile
└── src

In this example, the data/ subfolder is mounted inside a Redis container. All the data is captured in regular intervals in dump.rdb for testing purposes only (real end users will not see this copy of the data).

The docker/ subfolder contains a Dockerfile for each service. We don’t need a Dockerfile for the redis container because we will use the stock redis:7.


In this example, two different Docker images are built - one for the Flask API and one for the worker. Since they share almost all dependencies, and in order to simplify things, one could just as easily built one Docker image containing both scripts and used different commands to call the desired script.

The Makefile will be an essential part of our development cycle (revisited below).

The src/ folder contains the source Python scripts that are injected into the API and worker containers. This is where the majority of the development will occur.


Make sure to put your folders under version control and commit regularly as you work. Don’t save it all until the end.


  • Is the data set I’m working with part of this repository? Why or why not?

  • Should we commit dump.rdb to GitHub? Why or why not?

  • I am not using a requirements.txt file above. Should I?

  • I am using two Dockerfiles - one for the worker and one for the API. Should I be doing this or should I just have one Dockerfile?


We previously talked at great length about why it is a good idea to containerize an app / service that you develop. One of the main reasons was for portability to other machines. All the development / testing done in this development environment will directly translate to our deployment environment (Kubernetes), as we will see in the next module.

The development cycle for each of the three containerized components generally follows the form:

  1. Edit some source code (e.g. add a new Flask route)

  2. Delete any running container with the old source code

  3. Re-build the image with docker build

  4. Start up a new container with docker run

  5. Test the new code / functionality

  6. Repeat

This 6-step cycle is great for iterating on the API and Worker containers independently, or at the same time. However, watch out for potential error sources. For example if you take down the Redis container, a worker container that is in the middle of watching the queue may also go down and will need to be restarted (once a new Redis container is up).


We previously introduced Makefiles as a useful automation tool for testing your services. Now that our development cycle is becoming longer and more complicated, it is worth revisiting. Here, we will set up a Makefile to help with the 6-step cycle above. Using certain keywords (called “targets”) we will create shortcuts to cleaning up running containers, re-building docker images, and running new containers.

Targets are listed in a file called Makefile in this format:

target: prerequisite(s)

Targets are short keywords, and recipes are shell commands. For example, a simple target might look like:

        docker ps -a | grep wallen

Put this text in a file called Makefile in your current directory, and then you simply need to type:

[user-vm]$ make ps-me

And that will list all the docker containers with the username ‘wallen’ either in the image name or the container name. Makefiles can be further abstracted with variables to make them a little bit more flexible. Consider the following Makefile:

NAME ?= wallen

all: ps-me im-me

        docker images | grep ${NAME}

        docker ps -a | grep ${NAME}

Here we have added a variable NAME at the top so we can easily customize the targets below. We have also added two new targets: im-me which lists images, and all which does not contain any recipes, but does contain two prerequisites - the other two targets. So these two are equivalent:

# make all targets
[user-vm]$ make all

# or make them one-by-one
[user-vm]$ make ps-me
[user-vm]$ make im-me

# Try this out:
[user-vm]$ NAME="redis" make all


Write a Makefile that, at a minimum:

  1. Builds all necessary images for your app from Dockerfile(s)

  2. Starts up new containers / services

  3. Removes running containers in your namespace (be careful!)


Docker-compose automates much of the build and run process for us. But it is limited in scope. Makefiles can be used to automate any arbitrary command that is part of your development cycle.