Homework 07

Due Date: Thursday, Apr 6, by 11:00am CST

In The Kubernetes

Scenario: The simple app (Flask API + Redis DB) you built in Homework 06 needs a little bit of stability and exposure to the rest of the world. For this homework, we will write the necessary configurations to deploy the app onto the class Kubernetes cluster.

This homework is the Lab exercise at the end of the Unit 07


If you want to do this homework with a different data set, e.g. the data set you want to work on for your final project, just get it approved with the instructors first.


Start a new directory for this homework (called homework07). Copy over all the assets from homework06 into this new directory.

Complete the in-class exercise from the end of the Kubernetes section. Successful completion of this exercise requires:

  • A persistent volume claim for your Redis data

  • A deployment for your Redis database

  • A service for your Redis database

  • A deployment for your Flask API

  • A service for your Flask API


Update the Dockerfile and Flask API python script for your app if necessary. Special consideration should be given to the host IP address for the Redis client as declared in your Flask app.


All of the README instructions from Homework 06 apply to Homework 07. New instructions should be given for deploying the software system to a Kubernetes cluster. Please note that in order for the Flask container to get deployed to Kubernetes, it must come from Docker Hub. Please guide users on the steps to build their own image and push to Docker Hub, and guide users on using your existing image from Docker Hub. You will also need to guide users on any modifications required in the Kubernetes file or Python script, including image name and IP address.

What to Turn In

A sample Git repository may contain the following new files after completing homework 06:

├── homework01
│   └── ...
├── ...
├── homework06
│   └── ...
├── homework07
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── docker-compose.yaml
│   ├── gene_api.py
│   ├── README.md
│   └── *.yml              # should be 5 yml files
└── README.md

Additional Resources

  • Kubernetes Lab

  • Please find us in the class Slack channel if you have any questions!