Introduction to Flask

In this section, we will get a brief introduction into Flask, the Python web framework, including how to set up a REST API with multiple routes (URLs). After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Install the Python Flask library and import it into a Python program.

  • Define and implement various “routes” or API endpoints in a Flask Python program.

  • Run a local Flask development server.

  • Use curl to test routes defined in their Flask program when the local Flask development server is running.

  • Design Principles: Additionally, we will see how using Flask contributes to the modularity, abstraction, and generalization of software.

Flask is a Python library and framework for building web servers. Some of the defining characteristics of Flask make it a good fit for this course:

  • Flask is small and lightweight - relatively easy to use and get setup initially

  • Flask is robust - a great fit for REST APIs and microservices

  • Flask is performant - when used correctly, it can handle the traffic of sites with 100Ks of users

What is a Microservice?

Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are:

  • Highly maintainable and testable

  • Loosely coupled

  • Independently deployable

  • Organized around business capabilities

The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack. Many heavily-used, well-known sites use microservices including Netflix, Amazon, and eBay.

There is a great article on DevTeam.Space about microservices.

Setup and Installation

The Flask library is not part of the Python standard library but can be installed with standard tools like pip3. In addition to making Flask available to import into a Python program, it will also expose some new command line tools. On the class server, perform the following:

[user-vm]$ pip3 install --user flask
Successfully installed flask-2.2.2

[user-vm]$ flask --help
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

A general utility script for Flask applications.

An application to load must be given with the '--app' option, 'FLASK_APP'
environment variable, or with a '' or '' file in the current

-e, --env-file FILE   Load environment variables from this file. python-
                        dotenv must be installed.
-A, --app IMPORT      The Flask application or factory function to load, in
                        the form 'module:name'. Module can be a dotted import
                        or file path. Name is not required if it is 'app',
                        'application', 'create_app', or 'make_app', and can be
                        'name(args)' to pass arguments.
--debug / --no-debug  Set debug mode.
--version             Show the Flask version.
--help                Show this message and exit.

routes  Show the routes for the app.
run     Run a development server.
shell   Run a shell in the app context.


If you aren’t already using a virtual environment to help manage your Python libraries, now is a good time to start!

A Hello World Flask App

In a new directory on the class server, create a file called and open it for editing. Enter the following lines of code:

1from flask import Flask
3app = Flask(__name__)
5# the next statement should usually appear at the bottom of a flask app
6if __name__ == '__main__':
7, host='')

On the first line, we are importing the Flask class.

On the third line, we create an instance of the Flask class (called app). This so-called “Flask application” object holds the primary configuration and behaviors of the web server.

Finally, the method launches the development server. The debug=True option tells Flask to print verbose debug statements while the server is running. The host= option instructs the server to listen on all network interfaces; basically this means you can reach the server from inside and outside the host VM.

Run the Flask App

There are a few options when starting the Flask app. For now, we recommend you start your Flask application using the flask run command, specifying the name of the python file (in our case using the --app option, and running in debug mode using the --debug flag.

 [user-vm]$ flask --app app --debug run
* Serving Flask app 'app'
* Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 268-620-354

That’s it! We now have a server up and running. Some notes on what is happening:

  • Note that the program took over our shell; we could put it in the background, but for now we want to leave it in the foreground. (Multiple PIDs are started for the Flask app when started in daemon mode; to get them, find all processes listening on the port 5000 socket with lsof -i:5000).

  • If we make changes to our Flask app while the server is running in development mode, the server will detect those changes automatically and “reload”; you will see a log to the effect of Detected change in <file>.

  • We can stop the program with Ctrl+C just like any other (Python) program.

  • If we stop our Flask programs, the server will no longer be listening and our requests will fail.


The order of the arguments and command is important. Be sure the --app and --debug parameters appear before run.

Next we can try to talk to the server using curl. Note this line:

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

That tells us our server is listening on the localhost -, and on the default Flask port, port 5000.

Ports Basics

Ports are a concept from networking that allow multiple services or programs to be running at the same time, listening for messages over the internet, on the same computer.

  • For us, ports will always be associated with a specific IP address. In general, we specify a port by combining it with an IP separated by a colon (:) character. For example,

  • One and only one program can be listening on a given port at a time.

  • Some ports are designated for specific activities; Port 80 is reserved for HTTP, port 443 for HTTPS (encrypted HTTP), but other ports can be used for HTTP/HTTPS traffic.


Only one application can be associated with a given port. If you try to run a second Flask application on the same default port (5000) on the same machine, you will hit errors. You can specify the port you want Flask to listen on using the -p (or --port) option to the flask run command; e.g., flask --app app --debug run -p 5001

curl Basics

You can think of curl as a command-line version of a web browser: it is just an HTTP client.

  • The basic syntax is curl <some_base_url>:<some_port>/<some_url_path>. This will make a GET request to the URL and port print the message response.

  • Curl will default to using port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.

  • You can specify the HTTP verb to use with the -X flag; e.g., curl -X GET <some_url> (though -X GET is redundant because that is the default verb).

  • You can set “verbose mode” with the -v flag, which will then show additional information such as the headers passed back and forth (more on this later).

Try the following, for example:

[user-vm]$ curl

Make a Request

Because the terminal window running your Flask app is currently locked to that process, the simplest thing to do is open up a new terminal and SSH into the class server again.

To make a request to your Flask app, type the following in the new terminal:

[user-vm]$ curl
- or -
[user-vm]$ curl localhost:5000

You should see the following response:

<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>

Our server is sending us HTML! It’s sending a 404 that it could not find the resource we requested. Although it appears to be an error (and technically it is), this is evidence that the Flask server is running successfully. It’s time to add some routes.

Routes in Flask

In a Flask app, you define the URLs in your application using the @app.route decorator. Specifications of the @app.route decorator include:

  • Must be placed on the line before the declaration of a Python function.

  • Requires a string argument which is the path of the URL (not including the base URL)

  • Takes an argument methods which should be a list of strings containing the names of valid HTTP methods (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

When the URL + HTTP method combination is requested, Flask will call the decorated function.

Tangent: What is a Python Decorator?

A decorator is a function that takes another function as an input and extends its behavior in some way. The decorator function itself must return a function which includes a call to the original function plus the extended behavior. The typical structure of a decorator is as follows:

 1def my_decorator(some_func):
 3    def func_to_return():
 5        # extend the behavior of some_func by doing some processing
 6        # before it is called (optional)
 7        do_something_before()
 9        # call the original function
10        some_func(*args, **kwargs)
12        # extend the behavior of some_func by doing some processing
13        # after it is called (optional)
14        do_something_after()
16    return func_to_return

As an example, consider this test program:

 1def print_dec(f):
 2    def func_to_return(*args, **kwargs):
 3        print("args: {}; kwargs: {}".format(args, kwargs))
 4        val = f(*args, **kwargs)
 5        print("return: {}".format(val))
 6        return val
 7    return func_to_return
10def foo(a):
11    return a+1
13result = foo(2)
14print("Got the result: {}".format(result))

Our @print_dec decorator gets executed automatically when we call foo(2). Without the decorator, the final output would be:

Got the result: 3

By using the decorator, however, the final output is instead:

args: (2,); kwargs: {}
return: 3
Got the result: 3

Define the Hello World Route

The original Flask app we wrote above (in did not define any routes. Let’s define a “hello world” route for the base URL. Meaning if someone were to curl against the base URL (/) of our server, we would want to return the message “Hello, world!”. To do so, add the following lines to your script:

 1from flask import Flask
 3app = Flask(__name__)
 5@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
 6def hello_world():
 7    return 'Hello, world!\n'
 9# the next statement should usually appear at the bottom of a flask app
10if __name__ == '__main__':
11, host='')

The @app.route decorator on line 5 is expecting GET requests at the base URL /. When it receives such a request, it will execute the hello_world() function below it.

In your active SSH terminal, execute the curl command again (you may need to restart the Flask app); you should see:

[user-vm]$ curl localhost:5000/
Hello, world!

Routes with URL Parameters

Flask makes it easy to create routes (or URLs) with variables in the URL. The variable name simply must appear in angled brackets (<>) within the @app.route() decorator statement. Then, specify the variable as a parameter to the actual function.

For example, the following would grant the function below it access to a variable called year:

@app.route('/<year>', methods=[...])
def f(year):
    # function implementation...

In the next example, we extend our Flask app by adding a route with a variable (<name>):

 1from flask import Flask
 3app = Flask(__name__)
 5@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
 6def hello_world():
 7    return 'Hello, world!\n'
 9@app.route('/<name>', methods=['GET'])
10def hello_name(name):
11    return f'Hello, {name}!\n'
13# the next statement should usually appear at the bottom of a flask app
14if __name__ == '__main__':
15, host='')

Now, the Flask app supports multiple routes with different functionalities:

[user-vm]$ curl localhost:5000/
Hello, world!
[ispuser-vm02]$ curl localhost:5000/joe
Hello, joe!
[user-vm]$ curl localhost:5000/jane
Hello, jane!


Let’s utilize the turbidity data from Homework 3 (see here) to define a somewhat more interesting route. We’ll create a route that allows a user to download the entire dataset over HTTP.

We’ll add one new route function. Consider the following?

  • What should the name of our function be?

  • What URL path should it respond to?

  • What HTTP verb(s) should it handle?

Once those questions are answered, we’ll need to actually implement the new route function. What will we need to do to implement the function? The implementation will require two steps:

  1. Read the data into Python from the JSON file. (What Python library will you use for this step?)

  2. Return the result of step 1).

Finally, once we have implemented the function, let’s test it using curl.